Reproducibility in different acquisition settings#

This notebook aims to understand whether the acquisition setting and age has impact on reproducibility metrics on mature brains. In this analysis two open-data sharing initiatives were used: IXI and OASIS-3. The analysis was conducted per acquisition setting. Therefore, four groups were analysed: three groups for the IXI dataset (one per site/acquisition setting) and one group for the OASIS-3.


import os
import math
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pingouin as pg
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from settings import RESOURCE_DIR
from utils import get_regression_metrics, bland_altman_plot

# Tables format
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: f"{x: 0.2e}")

# Visualization format
font = {'size'   : 18}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid", font_scale=2)

# Global variables
var_compare = "repository_and_site"
template_name = "a2009s"
metric_analysis = "corticalThicknessAverage"
path_csv_cortical_data = "cortical_thicknesss_different_acquisition_settings.csv"

color_pallete = {"IXI|Guys": "#D81B60", "IXI|HH": "#1E88E5", "IXI|IOP": "#FFC107", "OASIS3": "#004D40"}

var_analyse = ["r_square", "slope", "intercept"]

pipeline1 = "ACPC_CAT12"
pipeline2 = "FREESURFER"
/home/fmachado/anaconda3/envs/fs-cat12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/outdated/ OutdatedPackageWarning: The package pingouin is out of date. Your version is 0.5.1, the latest is 0.5.2.
Set the environment variable OUTDATED_IGNORE=1 to disable these warnings.
  return warn(

df_names_rois = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, "template", f"{template_name}_atlas_labels.csv"))
df_areas = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, "template", f"{template_name}_rois_areas.csv"))


df_software_raw = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, "data", path_csv_cortical_data), low_memory=False)
df_software_raw.set_index("path", inplace=True)
# Get only the template ROIs
df_software_raw = df_software_raw.loc[df_software_raw.roiName.str[1:].isin(df_names_rois.label.to_list())]

df_software_raw["repository_and_site"] = df_software_raw.apply(lambda x: x["repositoryName"] if (type(x["site"]) == float and math.isnan(x["site"])) or len(x["site"]) == 0 else x["repositoryName"]+ "|" + x["site"], axis=1)
repositoryName site subjectID sessionID run gender age software roiName corticalThicknessAverage template cjv cnr snr_total repository_and_site
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys sub-002 1 1 FEMALE 3.58e+01 ACPC_CAT12 lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins 3.16e+00 a2009s 3.35e-01 4.06e+00 1.58e+01 IXI|Guys
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys sub-002 1 1 FEMALE 3.58e+01 ACPC_CAT12 lG_and_S_cingul-Ant 2.56e+00 a2009s 3.35e-01 4.06e+00 1.58e+01 IXI|Guys
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys sub-002 1 1 FEMALE 3.58e+01 ACPC_CAT12 lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant 2.69e+00 a2009s 3.35e-01 4.06e+00 1.58e+01 IXI|Guys
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys sub-002 1 1 FEMALE 3.58e+01 ACPC_CAT12 lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post 2.69e+00 a2009s 3.35e-01 4.06e+00 1.58e+01 IXI|Guys

Check preprocessing problems#

Some images were only ran by one of the softwares, in the code below images with preprocessing problems are discoved, and those subjects/session/run are removed from the analysis.

roi_name = df_software_raw.loc[(~df_software_raw[metric_analysis].isna()) & (df_software_raw.template == template_name)].roiName.to_list()[1]

df_group = df_software_raw[df_software_raw["roiName"] == roi_name].copy()
df_group = df_group[df_group.template == template_name].groupby(by=['path']).apply(lambda x: list(x["software"]))

# Get the images run by only one
df_problems_running = df_group[df_group.apply(len) == 1].to_frame()

software_problems = [item for sublist in df_problems_running[0].to_list() for item in sublist]

print("\n".join([f"{number_problems} images were only processed by: {soft_name}" for soft_name, number_problems in Counter(software_problems).items()]))
2 images were only processed by: FREESURFER
1 images were only processed by: ACPC_CAT12

Search subjects with at least one ROI NaN#

df_software_raw = df_software_raw[~df_software_raw.index.isin(df_problems_running.index)]
df_software = df_software_raw.reset_index().pivot(['path',  'subjectID', 'sessionID', 'run', 'template', var_compare,'roiName'], ['software'], [metric_analysis]).reset_index().set_index("path")
subjectID sessionID run template repository_and_site roiName corticalThicknessAverage
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz sub-002 1 1 a2009s IXI|Guys lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins 3.16e+00 3.06e+00
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz sub-002 1 1 a2009s IXI|Guys lG_and_S_cingul-Ant 2.56e+00 2.80e+00
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz sub-002 1 1 a2009s IXI|Guys lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant 2.69e+00 2.63e+00
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz sub-002 1 1 a2009s IXI|Guys lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post 2.69e+00 2.58e+00
df_rois_nan = df_software.loc[df_software[[('corticalThicknessAverage', 'FREESURFER'), ('corticalThicknessAverage', 'ACPC_CAT12')]].isna().sum(axis=1)>0]
subjectID sessionID run template repository_and_site roiName corticalThicknessAverage
IXI/HH/sub-275/anat/sub-275_T1w.nii.gz sub-275 1 1 a2009s IXI|HH rLat_Fis-ant-Vertical 3.10e+00 NaN
IXI/IOP/sub-373/anat/sub-373_T1w.nii.gz sub-373 1 1 a2009s IXI|IOP lS_interm_prim-Jensen 2.53e+00 NaN
OASIS3/sub-OAS30979/ses-d0051/anat/sub-OAS30979_ses-d0051_T1w.nii.gz sub-OAS30979 ses-d0051 1 a2009s OASIS3 rS_interm_prim-Jensen 2.26e+00 NaN
OASIS3/sub-OAS30986/ses-d1188/anat/sub-OAS30986_ses-d1188_run-01_T1w.nii.gz sub-OAS30986 ses-d1188 1 a2009s OASIS3 rLat_Fis-ant-Vertical 2.78e+00 NaN

Exclude subjects with at least one ROI NaN#

df_software_raw = df_software_raw.loc[~df_software_raw.index.isin(df_rois_nan.index.get_level_values(0).to_list())]
df_software = df_software.loc[~df_software.index.isin(df_rois_nan.index.get_level_values(0).to_list())]


df_subjects = df_software_raw[["repositoryName", "site", var_compare, "subjectID", "sessionID", "run", "age", "gender", "snr_total"]].drop_duplicates().copy() = x: "" if type(x)==float else x)

if len(df_subjects["repositoryName"].unique()) == 1: 
    groupby_col = ["site"] 
    groupby_col = ["repositoryName", "site"]
df_summary = df_subjects.groupby(groupby_col).apply(lambda x: pd.Series({"Total of participants": len(x), 
                                                                         "Number males": (x["gender"]=="MALE").sum(),
                                                                         "Mean and standard deviation [years]": f"{x['age'].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x['age'].std(): 0.2f}",
                                                                         "Min Age [years]": f"{x['age'].min(): 0.2f}",
                                                                         "Max Age [years]": f"{x['age'].max(): 0.2f}"}))

Total of participants Number males Mean and standard deviation [years] Min Age [years] Max Age [years]
repositoryName site
IXI Guys 312 139 50.73+/- 15.98 20.07 86.20
HH 179 85 47.63+/- 16.61 20.17 81.94
IOP 67 24 42.13+/- 16.60 19.98 86.32
OASIS3 491 199 68.33+/- 8.86 42.66 95.20


Overall Analysis#

Bland-Altman plot#

y_label_txt = "Difference Freesurfer - CAT12 [mm]"
                  ('corticalThicknessAverage', 'FREESURFER'), 
                  ('corticalThicknessAverage', 'ACPC_CAT12'),
                  var_compare, color_pallete, x_label_reg="FREESURFER [mm]", y_label_reg="CAT12 [mm]",
                  y_label_diff="Difference Freesurfer - CAT12 [mm]")
y_label_txt = "Difference Freesurfer - CAT12 [mm]"

for var_compared_value in pd.unique(df_software[var_compare]):
                      ('corticalThicknessAverage', 'FREESURFER'), 
                      ('corticalThicknessAverage', 'ACPC_CAT12'),
                      var_compare, color_pallete, x_label_reg="FREESURFER [mm]", y_label_reg="CAT12 [mm]",
                      y_label_diff="Difference Freesurfer - CAT12 [mm]")
../_images/obj_c_different_acquisition_settings_19_0.png ../_images/obj_c_different_acquisition_settings_19_1.png ../_images/obj_c_different_acquisition_settings_19_2.png ../_images/obj_c_different_acquisition_settings_19_3.png
from IPython.display import display, HTML

df_soft_filter = df_software
diff = (df_soft_filter[("corticalThicknessAverage", "FREESURFER")] - df_soft_filter[("corticalThicknessAverage", "ACPC_CAT12")])
test = pg.ttest(diff, 0)

df_means_diff = df_soft_filter[[("corticalThicknessAverage", "FREESURFER"), 
                                ("corticalThicknessAverage", "ACPC_CAT12")]].mean().to_frame().T.rename(columns={"corticalThicknessAverage": "Cortical Thickness Average Mean"})
df_means_diff["Difference FREESURFER - CAT12"] = diff.mean()

test = pg.ttest(diff, 0)


display(HTML(f"<br><p>One sample t-test to verify whether the means difference is equal to zero</p>"))
print(f"Confidence interval (95%) of the means difference: [{round(diff.mean() - 1.96*diff.std(), 3)};{round(diff.mean() + 1.96*diff.std(), 3)}]")
/home/fmachado/anaconda3/envs/fs-cat12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pingouin/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  bf10 = 1 / ((1 + t**2 / df)**(-(df + 1) / 2) / integr)
/home/fmachado/anaconda3/envs/fs-cat12/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pingouin/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  bf10 = 1 / ((1 + t**2 / df)**(-(df + 1) / 2) / integr)
Cortical Thickness Average Mean Difference FREESURFER - CAT12
0 2.39e+00 2.36e+00 3.20e-02

One sample t-test to verify whether the means difference is equal to zero

T dof alternative p-val CI95% cohen-d BF10 power
T-test 5.29e+01 155251 two-sided 0.00e+00 [0.03, 0.03] 1.34e-01 inf 1.00e+00
Confidence interval (95%) of the means difference: [-0.435;0.499]

df = df_software.reset_index().set_index(["subjectID", "sessionID", "run"]).join(df_subjects.reset_index().set_index(["subjectID", "sessionID", "run"]))
df.columns = ["".join(el) for el in df.columns]
/tmp/ipykernel_42420/ FutureWarning: merging between different levels is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. (2 levels on the left, 1 on the right)
  df = df_software.reset_index().set_index(["subjectID", "sessionID", "run"]).join(df_subjects.reset_index().set_index(["subjectID", "sessionID", "run"]))
path template repository_and_site roiName corticalThicknessAverageACPC_CAT12 corticalThicknessAverageFREESURFER path repositoryName site repository_and_site age gender snr_total
subjectID sessionID run
sub-002 1 1 IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz a2009s IXI|Guys lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins 3.16e+00 3.06e+00 IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys IXI|Guys 3.58e+01 FEMALE 1.58e+01
1 IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz a2009s IXI|Guys lG_and_S_cingul-Ant 2.56e+00 2.80e+00 IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys IXI|Guys 3.58e+01 FEMALE 1.58e+01
1 IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz a2009s IXI|Guys lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant 2.69e+00 2.63e+00 IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys IXI|Guys 3.58e+01 FEMALE 1.58e+01

Participant Analysis#

Participant Analysis
print(f'Number of subjects in this analysis is: {len(df_software.reset_index()["subjectID"].unique())}')
Number of subjects in this analysis is: 1049

Compute metrics#

sub_grouped_by, sub_grouped_by_stats = get_regression_metrics(df_software, ['path'], (metric_analysis, pipeline1), (metric_analysis, pipeline2))

df_ct = df_software.reset_index()[["path", var_compare, "roiName", "corticalThicknessAverage"]].melt(id_vars=["path", var_compare, "roiName"])

all_subjects_icc = []

for path_sub in df_ct["path"].unique():
    df_icc_roi = pg.intraclass_corr(data=df_ct.loc[df_ct["path"] == path_sub], 
                                    targets='roiName', raters='software',
    df_icc_roi["path"] = path_sub


df_icc_sub = pd.concat(all_subjects_icc).set_index("path")

df_subject_info = df_subjects.join(sub_grouped_by_stats).join(df_icc_sub[["ICC"]])
df_subject_info = df_subject_info[~df_subject_info["slope"].isna()]

slope intercept r_value p_value std_err r_square
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz 9.76e-01 1.71e-01 8.71e-01 5.04e-47 4.54e-02 7.59e-01
IXI/Guys/sub-016/anat/sub-016_T1w.nii.gz 1.07e+00 -9.83e-02 9.00e-01 1.88e-54 4.28e-02 8.10e-01
IXI/Guys/sub-017/anat/sub-017_T1w.nii.gz 1.04e+00 1.58e-02 8.27e-01 2.77e-38 5.87e-02 6.83e-01
IXI/Guys/sub-019/anat/sub-019_T1w.nii.gz 9.44e-01 1.59e-01 7.79e-01 2.11e-31 6.29e-02 6.07e-01
IXI/Guys/sub-020/anat/sub-020_T1w.nii.gz 9.85e-01 6.31e-02 8.65e-01 1.53e-45 4.73e-02 7.48e-01
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
OASIS3/sub-OAS31164/ses-d0069/anat/sub-OAS31164_ses-d0069_run-01_T1w.nii.gz 8.85e-01 2.83e-01 8.30e-01 6.43e-39 4.91e-02 6.90e-01
OASIS3/sub-OAS31165/ses-d0426/anat/sub-OAS31165_ses-d0426_run-01_T1w.nii.gz 9.27e-01 2.26e-01 7.04e-01 1.91e-23 7.74e-02 4.95e-01
OASIS3/sub-OAS31168/ses-d0148/anat/sub-OAS31168_ses-d0148_run-01_T1w.nii.gz 9.60e-01 1.11e-01 7.94e-01 2.43e-33 6.09e-02 6.30e-01
OASIS3/sub-OAS31169/ses-d0620/anat/sub-OAS31169_ses-d0620_run-01_T1w.nii.gz 9.00e-01 2.07e-01 7.98e-01 6.83e-34 5.63e-02 6.36e-01
OASIS3/sub-OAS31172/ses-d0407/anat/sub-OAS31172_ses-d0407_run-01_T1w.nii.gz 9.13e-01 2.33e-01 8.37e-01 4.61e-40 4.94e-02 7.01e-01

1049 rows × 6 columns

Reproducibility metrics analysis#

repositoryName site repository_and_site subjectID sessionID run age gender snr_total slope intercept r_value p_value std_err r_square ICC
IXI/Guys/sub-002/anat/sub-002_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys IXI|Guys sub-002 1 1 3.58e+01 FEMALE 1.58e+01 9.76e-01 1.71e-01 8.71e-01 5.04e-47 4.54e-02 7.59e-01 8.66e-01
IXI/Guys/sub-016/anat/sub-016_T1w.nii.gz IXI Guys IXI|Guys sub-016 1 1 5.52e+01 MALE 1.46e+01 1.07e+00 -9.83e-02 9.00e-01 1.88e-54 4.28e-02 8.10e-01 8.87e-01
df_subject_info.groupby(by=var_compare).apply(lambda x: pd.Series([f'{x["ICC"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["ICC"].std(): 0.2f}',
                                                                   f'{x["r_square"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["r_square"].std(): 0.2f}',
                                                                   f'{x["slope"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["slope"].std(): 0.2f}',
                                                                   f'{x["intercept"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["intercept"].std(): 0.2f}'], 
                                                                   index=['ICC', '$R^2$', 'slope', 'intercept']))
ICC $R^2$ slope intercept
IXI|Guys 0.82+/- 0.04 0.69+/- 0.06 0.95+/- 0.07 0.17+/- 0.17
IXI|HH 0.79+/- 0.07 0.65+/- 0.09 0.97+/- 0.12 0.09+/- 0.25
IXI|IOP 0.60+/- 0.08 0.38+/- 0.10 0.78+/- 0.12 0.54+/- 0.32
OASIS3 0.80+/- 0.06 0.65+/- 0.08 0.89+/- 0.08 0.27+/- 0.19
def latex_float(float_str):
    if "e" in float_str:
        base, exponent = float_str.split("e")
        return r"{0} \times 10^{{{1}}}".format(base, int(exponent))
        return float_str
#### Analysis of age effect on reproducibility metrics
import re, seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from IPython.display import display, Math

reproducibility_measures = [("r_square", "$R^2$"), ("ICC", "ICC")]
for rep_measure, label_measure in reproducibility_measures:
    for el in df_subject_info[var_compare].unique():
        legend = el
        data_filtered = df_subject_info.loc[df_subject_info[var_compare] == el]
        x_values = data_filtered[["age", "snr_total"]]
        y_values = data_filtered[rep_measure]
        model = LinearRegression().fit(x_values, y_values)

        age_weight = latex_float(f'{model.coef_[0]: 0.1e}')
        SNR_weight = latex_float(f'{model.coef_[1]: 0.1e}')
        intercept = latex_float(f'{model.intercept_: 0.1e}')
        eq = f'${label_measure.replace("$", "")}_' + "{" + legend + "}" + f'={age_weight}age + {SNR_weight}SNR + {intercept}$'
    x= df_subject_info["age"].values
    y= df_subject_info["snr_total"].values
    z= df_subject_info[rep_measure].values

    # axes instance
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
    ax = Axes3D(fig, auto_add_to_figure=False)

    # get colormap from seaborn
    cmap = ListedColormap(sns.color_palette("husl", 256).as_hex())

    # plot
    sc = ax.scatter(x, y, z, s=40, c=[color_pallete[el] for el in df_subject_info[var_compare].values], marker='o', cmap=cmap, alpha=1)

    ax.set_xlabel('Age', labelpad=15)
    ax.set_ylabel('SNR', labelpad=45)
    ax.set_zlabel(label_measure, labelpad=15)

    ax.view_init(elev=10., azim=45)

    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=2)
    plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right')
\[\displaystyle R^2_{IXI|Guys}=-8.5 \times 10^{-4}age + 3.5 \times 10^{-3}SNR + 6.9 \times 10^{-1}\]
\[\displaystyle R^2_{IXI|HH}=-3.3 \times 10^{-4}age + 3.0 \times 10^{-2}SNR + 1.7 \times 10^{-1}\]
\[\displaystyle R^2_{IXI|IOP}=-3.8 \times 10^{-4}age + 2.2 \times 10^{-2}SNR + 2.4 \times 10^{-2}\]
\[\displaystyle R^2_{OASIS3}= 9.7 \times 10^{-4}age + 2.3 \times 10^{-2}SNR + 3.7 \times 10^{-1}\]
\[\displaystyle ICC_{IXI|Guys}=-3.2 \times 10^{-4}age + 2.6 \times 10^{-3}SNR + 8.0 \times 10^{-1}\]
\[\displaystyle ICC_{IXI|HH}= 1.1 \times 10^{-4}age + 2.6 \times 10^{-2}SNR + 3.6 \times 10^{-1}\]
\[\displaystyle ICC_{IXI|IOP}=-2.2 \times 10^{-4}age + 1.8 \times 10^{-2}SNR + 3.0 \times 10^{-1}\]
\[\displaystyle ICC_{OASIS3}= 9.1 \times 10^{-4}age + 1.9 \times 10^{-2}SNR + 5.6 \times 10^{-1}\]

ROI Analysis#

Participant Analysis

Compute metrics#

roi_grouped_by, roi_grouped_by_stats = get_regression_metrics(df_software, ["roiName", var_compare], (metric_analysis, pipeline1), (metric_analysis, pipeline2))

all_rois = []

for var in df_ct[var_compare].unique():
    for roi_name in df_ct["roiName"].unique():
        df_icc_roi = pg.intraclass_corr(data=df_ct.loc[(df_ct["roiName"] == roi_name) & (df_ct[var_compare] == var)], 
                                        targets='path', raters='software',
        df_icc_roi["roiName"] = roi_name
        df_icc_roi[var_compare] = var
df_icc_rois = pd.concat(all_rois)

roi_grouped_by_stats = roi_grouped_by_stats.join(pd.concat(all_rois).set_index(["roiName", var_compare])[["ICC", "CI95%"]])

map_abbrev_to_name = df_names_rois.set_index("label")[["name"]].to_dict("series")["name"]
hem_label = {"r": "Right", "l": "Left"}

roi_grouped_by_stats["name"] = roi_grouped_by_stats.index.to_frame().roiName.apply(lambda x: map_abbrev_to_name[x[1:]])
roi_grouped_by_stats["hem"] = roi_grouped_by_stats.index.to_frame().roiName.apply(lambda x: hem_label[x[0].lower()])

dfs = []

rois_info = roi_grouped_by_stats.copy()
rois_info["label"] = roi_grouped_by_stats.index.get_level_values(0).str[1:].str.strip()
rois_info["hem"] = roi_grouped_by_stats.index.get_level_values(0).str[0]
rois_info = rois_info.reset_index().set_index(["label", "hem", var_compare])

for var in rois_info.index.get_level_values(2).unique():
    for hem in rois_info.index.get_level_values(1).unique():
        df_areas_metrics_var = pd.concat([df_areas, df_areas["Label"].apply(lambda x: rois_info.loc[(x, hem, var)])], axis=1)
        df_areas_metrics_var[var_compare] = var
df_areas_metrics = pd.concat(dfs)
df_areas_metrics["hem"] = df_areas_metrics["roiName"].str[0]

df_icc = df_areas_metrics.pivot_table(index="name", columns=[var_compare, "hem"], values=["ICC"])

df_ci = df_areas_metrics.pivot_table(index="name", columns=[var_compare, "hem"], values=["CI95%"])

df_ci_icc = df_icc.join(df_ci) 
df_ci_icc.columns = df_ci_icc.columns.swaplevel(0, 2)
df_ci_icc.columns = df_ci_icc.columns.swaplevel(0, 1)
df_ci_icc = df_ci_icc[[df_ci_icc.columns[0], df_ci_icc.columns[-8], 
                     df_ci_icc.columns[1], df_ci_icc.columns[-7], 
                     df_ci_icc.columns[2], df_ci_icc.columns[-6], 
                     df_ci_icc.columns[3], df_ci_icc.columns[-5], 
                     df_ci_icc.columns[4], df_ci_icc.columns[-4],
                     df_ci_icc.columns[5], df_ci_icc.columns[-3], 
                     df_ci_icc.columns[6], df_ci_icc.columns[-2],
                     df_ci_icc.columns[7], df_ci_icc.columns[-1]]] 

slope intercept r_value p_value std_err r_square ICC CI95% name hem
roiName repository_and_site
lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins IXI|Guys 4.43e-01 1.71e+00 4.91e-01 2.44e-20 4.46e-02 2.41e-01 4.88e-01 [0.4, 0.57] Long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the i... Left
IXI|HH 2.48e-01 2.13e+00 2.69e-01 2.76e-04 6.69e-02 7.22e-02 2.68e-01 [0.13, 0.4] Long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the i... Left
IXI|IOP 2.29e-01 2.09e+00 2.97e-01 1.46e-02 9.12e-02 8.83e-02 2.87e-01 [0.05, 0.49] Long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the i... Left
OASIS3 4.76e-01 1.62e+00 5.30e-01 5.94e-37 3.44e-02 2.81e-01 5.27e-01 [0.46, 0.59] Long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the i... Left
lG_and_S_cingul-Ant IXI|Guys 5.44e-01 1.28e+00 5.91e-01 9.88e-31 4.22e-02 3.49e-01 5.89e-01 [0.51, 0.66] Anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus Left
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
rS_temporal_sup OASIS3 8.28e-01 3.38e-01 8.24e-01 6.46e-123 2.57e-02 6.80e-01 8.24e-01 [0.79, 0.85] Superior temporal sulcus Right
rS_temporal_transverse IXI|Guys 7.02e-01 7.90e-01 4.96e-01 8.15e-21 6.97e-02 2.46e-01 4.68e-01 [0.38, 0.55] Transverse temporal sulcus Right
IXI|HH 7.15e-01 7.17e-01 4.46e-01 4.06e-10 1.08e-01 1.99e-01 4.00e-01 [0.27, 0.52] Transverse temporal sulcus Right
IXI|IOP 5.92e-01 1.12e+00 3.64e-01 2.46e-03 1.88e-01 1.33e-01 3.25e-01 [0.09, 0.52] Transverse temporal sulcus Right
OASIS3 7.91e-01 6.32e-01 5.63e-01 1.89e-42 5.25e-02 3.17e-01 5.32e-01 [0.47, 0.59] Transverse temporal sulcus Right

592 rows × 10 columns

import pingouin as pg

all_df = []
for var in df_ct[var_compare].unique():
    for roiname in df_ct['roiName'].unique():
        df_posthoc = pg.pairwise_ttests(data=df_ct.loc[(df_ct['roiName'] == roiname) & (df_ct[var_compare] == var)], 
                                        dv='value', within='software', subject='path',
                                     parametric=True, padjust='fdr_bh', effsize='cohen')

        # Pretty printing of table
        df_posthoc['roiName'] = roiname
        df_posthoc[var_compare] = var
df_f_p_value = pd.concat(all_df)
Contrast A B Paired Parametric T dof alternative p-unc BF10 cohen roiName repository_and_site
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True -7.13e-01 3.11e+02 two-sided 4.76e-01 0.082 -4.08e-02 lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins IXI|Guys
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True -1.83e+01 3.11e+02 two-sided 1.85e-51 9.934e+47 -9.42e-01 lG_and_S_cingul-Ant IXI|Guys
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True 7.73e+00 3.11e+02 two-sided 1.45e-13 3.845e+10 3.97e-01 lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant IXI|Guys
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True 5.18e-01 3.11e+02 two-sided 6.05e-01 0.073 2.17e-02 lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post IXI|Guys

df_sorted = pd.pivot_table(roi_grouped_by_stats.reset_index(), index="name", values=["r_square"], columns=[var_compare, "hem"])
repository_and_site IXI|Guys IXI|HH IXI|IOP OASIS3
hem Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
Angular gyrus 6.29e-01 6.28e-01 6.89e-01 6.09e-01 4.25e-01 3.62e-01 5.78e-01 6.87e-01
Anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch 4.92e-01 5.44e-01 3.70e-01 5.21e-01 4.99e-01 3.88e-01 3.45e-01 5.30e-01
Anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus 3.49e-01 3.31e-01 3.20e-01 4.29e-01 1.13e-01 1.38e-01 1.87e-01 1.98e-01
Anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula 1.10e-01 2.46e-01 8.89e-02 1.70e-01 5.75e-02 1.25e-02 2.34e-01 2.22e-01
Anterior transverse collateral sulcus 3.67e-03 1.26e-02 1.49e-02 1.97e-02 2.35e-03 2.21e-04 5.20e-05 5.61e-03
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Temporal pole 1.77e-01 3.16e-01 4.99e-01 3.75e-01 1.85e-01 9.46e-02 2.09e-01 2.70e-01
Transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci 3.25e-01 4.72e-01 4.36e-01 5.17e-01 9.51e-02 2.84e-01 1.87e-01 1.25e-01
Transverse temporal sulcus 5.10e-01 2.46e-01 4.22e-01 1.99e-01 4.97e-01 1.33e-01 3.74e-01 3.17e-01
Triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus 6.30e-01 6.75e-01 5.94e-01 5.83e-01 5.60e-01 4.84e-01 6.28e-01 2.83e-01
Vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus 2.76e-01 2.35e-01 2.55e-01 2.40e-01 2.01e-01 1.89e-01 3.46e-01 1.78e-01

74 rows × 8 columns

Reproducibility metrics analysis#

roi_grouped_by_stats.groupby(by=var_compare).apply(lambda x: pd.Series([f'{x["ICC"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["ICC"].std(): 0.2f}',
                                                                        f'{x["r_square"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["r_square"].std(): 0.2f}',
                                                                        f'{x["slope"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["slope"].std(): 0.2f}',
                                                                        f'{x["intercept"].mean(): 0.2f}+/-{x["intercept"].std(): 0.2f}'], 
                                                                        index=['ICC', '$R^2$', 'slope', 'intercept']))
ICC $R^2$ slope intercept
IXI|Guys 0.60+/- 0.18 0.40+/- 0.19 0.68+/- 0.22 0.82+/- 0.63
IXI|HH 0.59+/- 0.18 0.39+/- 0.19 0.72+/- 0.23 0.67+/- 0.61
IXI|IOP 0.44+/- 0.18 0.24+/- 0.16 0.56+/- 0.25 1.09+/- 0.76
OASIS3 0.59+/- 0.20 0.39+/- 0.21 0.64+/- 0.23 0.88+/- 0.59
Mean per lobe#

to_group_by = ["Area"]
df_areas_metrics_grouped = df_areas_metrics.groupby(to_group_by + [var_compare, "hem"]).mean()
df_lobes = pd.pivot_table(df_areas_metrics_grouped.reset_index(), index=to_group_by, values=["r_square"], columns=[var_compare])

repository_and_site IXI|Guys IXI|HH IXI|IOP OASIS3
Frontal Lobe 4.01e-01 4.18e-01 2.55e-01 3.31e-01
Insula 3.42e-01 2.34e-01 2.02e-01 3.65e-01
Limbic lobe 3.23e-01 3.23e-01 1.90e-01 3.11e-01
Parietal lobe 5.14e-01 4.92e-01 2.99e-01 5.69e-01
Temporal and occipital lobes 4.15e-01 4.26e-01 2.49e-01 4.21e-01

Paired t-test#

all_df = []
for var in df_ct[var_compare].unique():
    for roiname in df_ct['roiName'].unique():
        df_posthoc = pg.pairwise_ttests(data=df_ct.loc[(df_ct['roiName'] == roiname) & (df_ct[var_compare] == var)], 
                                        dv='value', within='software', subject='path',
                                     parametric=True, padjust='fdr_bh', effsize='cohen')

        # Pretty printing of table
        df_posthoc['roiName'] = roiname
        df_posthoc[var_compare] = var
df_f_p_value = pd.concat(all_df)
Contrast A B Paired Parametric T dof alternative p-unc BF10 cohen roiName repository_and_site
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True -7.13e-01 3.11e+02 two-sided 4.76e-01 0.082 -4.08e-02 lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins IXI|Guys
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True -1.83e+01 3.11e+02 two-sided 1.85e-51 9.934e+47 -9.42e-01 lG_and_S_cingul-Ant IXI|Guys
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True 7.73e+00 3.11e+02 two-sided 1.45e-13 3.845e+10 3.97e-01 lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant IXI|Guys
0 software ACPC_CAT12 FREESURFER True True 5.18e-01 3.11e+02 two-sided 6.05e-01 0.073 2.17e-02 lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post IXI|Guys
df_f_p_value["hem"] = df_f_p_value.apply(lambda x: hem_label[x.roiName[0].lower()], axis=1)
df_f_p_value["name"] = df_f_p_value.apply(lambda x: map_abbrev_to_name[x.roiName[1:]], axis=1)

# Bonferroni correction
significance_level = .05

df_f_p_value["p-value"] = df_f_p_value["p-unc"].apply(lambda x: min(x*df_f_p_value.shape[0], 1))
df_f_p_value_rejected = df_f_p_value[df_f_p_value["p-value"] < significance_level]

df_f_p_value["cohen"] = df_f_p_value["cohen"].astype(float).round(2).abs()
df_f_p_value["cohen-p-value"] = df_f_p_value[["p-value", "cohen"]].apply(lambda x: f'{x["cohen"]}*' if x['p-value'] < significance_level else f'{x["cohen"]}', axis=1).astype(str)

df_p_value = pd.pivot_table(df_f_p_value.reset_index(), index="name", values=["cohen-p-value"], columns=[var_compare, "hem"], aggfunc=lambda x: ' '.join(x))
repository_and_site IXI|Guys IXI|HH IXI|IOP OASIS3
hem Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
Angular gyrus 0.73* 0.88* 0.5* 0.55* 0.22 0.34 0.25* 0.69*
Anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.31* 0.01 0.13 0.09 0.28*
Anterior part of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus 0.94* 0.73* 0.81* 0.48* 0.64* 0.56 0.21* 0.44*
Anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula 0.82* 0.11 0.17 0.42* 0.48 0.42 1.14* 0.89*
Anterior transverse collateral sulcus 0.67* 0.48* 0.88* 0.85* 2.38* 1.85* 0.19 0.44*
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Temporal pole 1.19* 1.35* 1.06* 1.1* 1.91* 2.04* 0.83* 0.95*
Transverse frontopolar gyri and sulci 0.76* 0.35* 0.12 0.0 0.45 0.25 0.65* 0.51*
Transverse temporal sulcus 0.25* 0.57* 0.04 0.33* 0.17 0.26 0.45* 0.75*
Triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus 0.82* 0.82* 0.54* 0.62* 0.42* 0.65* 0.28* 0.11
Vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus 1.09* 0.42* 1.07* 0.31* 1.53* 1.4* 1.32* 1.12*

74 rows × 8 columns

##### Number of regions per site in which the hypothesis was rejected
print(f"Number of ROIs with at least on group that rejected the paired t-test hypothesis: {df_f_p_value_rejected.reset_index().roiName.unique().shape[0]}")
Number of ROIs with at least on group that rejected the paired t-test hypothesis: 145
IXI|Guys 132
IXI|HH 116
OASIS3 130

Modelling age using cortical thickness values#

df_cortical = pd.pivot_table(df_software_raw, index="path", columns=["software", "template", "roiName"], 
                             values=df_software_raw.loc[:, ~df_software_raw.columns.isin(["software", "template", "roiName", "path", "age", "run"])])

df_age = df_subjects[["age", "gender", var_compare]]
df_age.columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("age", "", "", ""), ("gender", "", "", ""), (var_compare, "", "", "")])

df_feat_raw = df_age.join(df_cortical).dropna().sample(frac=1)
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy import stats

map_df_p = {}
for soft in ["FREESURFER", "ACPC_CAT12"]:
    X = df_feat_raw[("corticalThicknessAverage", soft, "a2009s")]
    #X = X.rename(columns={el: f'{hem_names[el[0]]} {df_names_rois.loc[df_names_rois["label"] == el[1:]]["name"].iloc[0]}' for el in X.columns})
    y = df_feat_raw["age"]

    X2 = sm.add_constant(X)
    est = sm.OLS(y, X2)
    est2 =

    map_df_p[soft] = pd.DataFrame(est2.summary().tables[1].data[1:], columns=est2.summary().tables[1].data[0]).rename(columns={"": "roiName"})
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                    age   R-squared:                       0.750
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.709
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     18.25
Date:                Wed, 31 Aug 2022   Prob (F-statistic):          3.28e-190
Time:                        18:57:25   Log-Likelihood:                -3706.6
No. Observations:                1048   AIC:                             7711.
Df Residuals:                     899   BIC:                             8449.
Df Model:                         148                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const                        162.6633      9.607     16.932      0.000     143.809     181.517
lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins       1.8801      1.641      1.146      0.252      -1.340       5.100
lG_and_S_cingul-Ant            4.5904      3.015      1.523      0.128      -1.327      10.507
lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant       -1.7949      2.650     -0.677      0.498      -6.995       3.405
lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post       5.8002      3.221      1.801      0.072      -0.521      12.121
lG_and_S_frontomargin          2.8552      2.409      1.185      0.236      -1.873       7.583
lG_and_S_occipital_inf         2.7777      2.210      1.257      0.209      -1.559       7.114
lG_and_S_paracentral           2.6367      2.489      1.059      0.290      -2.248       7.522
lG_and_S_subcentral           -2.3093      2.655     -0.870      0.385      -7.520       2.902
lG_and_S_transv_frontopol     -2.8722      2.117     -1.357      0.175      -7.027       1.282
lG_cingul-Post-dorsal         -3.1601      2.608     -1.212      0.226      -8.279       1.958
lG_cingul-Post-ventral        -0.7145      1.508     -0.474      0.636      -3.675       2.246
lG_cuneus                      5.5720      3.505      1.590      0.112      -1.306      12.450
lG_front_inf-Opercular         1.0811      2.909      0.372      0.710      -4.628       6.790
lG_front_inf-Orbital          -2.1892      1.857     -1.179      0.239      -5.834       1.456
lG_front_inf-Triangul         -6.1017      2.592     -2.354      0.019     -11.189      -1.014
lG_front_middle                0.0196      4.144      0.005      0.996      -8.114       8.153
lG_front_sup                 -13.6879      4.716     -2.903      0.004     -22.943      -4.433
lG_insular_short               2.0511      1.581      1.298      0.195      -1.051       5.153
lG_oc-temp_lat-fusifor         2.4719      2.424      1.020      0.308      -2.286       7.229
lG_oc-temp_med-Lingual        10.1881      3.884      2.623      0.009       2.565      17.811
lG_oc-temp_med-Parahip         1.4166      1.825      0.776      0.438      -2.166       4.999
lG_occipital_middle           -2.9110      3.264     -0.892      0.373      -9.317       3.495
lG_occipital_sup              -1.5066      2.536     -0.594      0.553      -6.484       3.471
lG_orbital                    -4.8121      3.059     -1.573      0.116     -10.816       1.192
lG_pariet_inf-Angular         -0.3133      3.173     -0.099      0.921      -6.540       5.914
lG_pariet_inf-Supramar         4.6408      3.338      1.390      0.165      -1.911      11.193
lG_parietal_sup               -1.6273      3.845     -0.423      0.672      -9.173       5.918
lG_postcentral                 6.1216      3.115      1.965      0.050       0.008      12.235
lG_precentral                 -2.4811      2.685     -0.924      0.356      -7.750       2.788
lG_precuneus                   3.5276      3.454      1.021      0.307      -3.252      10.307
lG_rectus                     -0.1284      2.189     -0.059      0.953      -4.425       4.168
lG_subcallosal                -7.0937      1.605     -4.419      0.000     -10.244      -3.943
lG_temp_sup-G_T_transv         2.3114      1.772      1.305      0.192      -1.166       5.788
lG_temp_sup-Lateral            1.5336      2.593      0.592      0.554      -3.555       6.622
lG_temp_sup-Plan_polar        -1.8756      1.576     -1.190      0.234      -4.968       1.217
lG_temp_sup-Plan_tempo        -0.6424      2.186     -0.294      0.769      -4.932       3.647
lG_temporal_inf               -0.4700      2.750     -0.171      0.864      -5.867       4.927
lG_temporal_middle             0.1601      2.927      0.055      0.956      -5.585       5.905
lLat_Fis-ant-Horizont          2.0188      1.392      1.451      0.147      -0.713       4.750
lLat_Fis-ant-Vertical         -1.3088      1.477     -0.886      0.376      -4.208       1.590
lLat_Fis-post                 -4.6103      2.637     -1.748      0.081      -9.786       0.565
lPole_occipital                4.5192      2.968      1.523      0.128      -1.305      10.343
lPole_temporal                 3.4046      1.988      1.713      0.087      -0.497       7.306
lS_calcarine                  -6.7020      3.972     -1.687      0.092     -14.497       1.093
lS_central                     2.2414      3.620      0.619      0.536      -4.864       9.347
lS_cingul-Marginalis          -3.8176      2.916     -1.309      0.191      -9.541       1.906
lS_circular_insula_ant        -1.5289      1.790     -0.854      0.393      -5.041       1.984
lS_circular_insula_inf        -1.1256      2.191     -0.514      0.608      -5.426       3.175
lS_circular_insula_sup        -7.2360      3.542     -2.043      0.041     -14.188      -0.284
lS_collat_transv_ant           1.9131      1.589      1.204      0.229      -1.205       5.031
lS_collat_transv_post         -3.3025      2.076     -1.591      0.112      -7.376       0.771
lS_front_inf                  -0.1988      3.695     -0.054      0.957      -7.450       7.052
lS_front_middle               -2.4258      3.015     -0.805      0.421      -8.343       3.491
lS_front_sup                   0.7728      3.837      0.201      0.840      -6.758       8.304
lS_interm_prim-Jensen          0.0441      1.090      0.040      0.968      -2.096       2.184
lS_intrapariet_and_P_trans     5.5417      3.293      1.683      0.093      -0.921      12.004
lS_oc-temp_lat                -2.8196      2.153     -1.310      0.191      -7.044       1.405
lS_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual    -5.8314      2.859     -2.039      0.042     -11.443      -0.220
lS_oc_middle_and_Lunatus       1.3533      2.410      0.562      0.574      -3.376       6.082
lS_oc_sup_and_transversal      1.2080      3.207      0.377      0.706      -5.086       7.501
lS_occipital_ant               1.8708      2.214      0.845      0.398      -2.475       6.217
lS_orbital-H_Shaped            4.9365      2.056      2.401      0.017       0.902       8.971
lS_orbital_lateral            -0.7144      1.585     -0.451      0.652      -3.825       2.396
lS_orbital_med-olfact         -4.2319      1.787     -2.368      0.018      -7.739      -0.725
lS_parieto_occipital          -0.8894      2.988     -0.298      0.766      -6.753       4.975
lS_pericallosal                1.3095      1.791      0.731      0.465      -2.205       4.824
lS_postcentral                -4.8329      3.797     -1.273      0.203     -12.285       2.620
lS_precentral-inf-part         1.3758      3.033      0.454      0.650      -4.576       7.328
lS_precentral-sup-part        -3.4558      2.399     -1.441      0.150      -8.164       1.252
lS_suborbital                 -2.3545      1.564     -1.505      0.133      -5.425       0.716
lS_subparietal                -0.8569      2.720     -0.315      0.753      -6.196       4.482
lS_temporal_inf               -1.0085      2.565     -0.393      0.694      -6.042       4.025
lS_temporal_sup               -6.4322      4.668     -1.378      0.169     -15.593       2.729
lS_temporal_transverse        -0.7816      1.255     -0.623      0.534      -3.244       1.681
rG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins       2.9556      1.346      2.195      0.028       0.313       5.598
rG_and_S_cingul-Ant            4.1536      3.124      1.330      0.184      -1.978      10.285
rG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant       -5.3265      2.928     -1.819      0.069     -11.072       0.419
rG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post       2.6477      3.295      0.804      0.422      -3.819       9.114
rG_and_S_frontomargin          3.7501      2.035      1.843      0.066      -0.243       7.743
rG_and_S_occipital_inf         4.4235      1.828      2.420      0.016       0.837       8.010
rG_and_S_paracentral          -5.7832      2.389     -2.420      0.016     -10.473      -1.094
rG_and_S_subcentral           -2.2775      2.486     -0.916      0.360      -7.156       2.601
rG_and_S_transv_frontopol      0.7548      2.394      0.315      0.753      -3.944       5.454
rG_cingul-Post-dorsal         -2.9330      2.376     -1.234      0.217      -7.597       1.731
rG_cingul-Post-ventral         0.2480      1.683      0.147      0.883      -3.055       3.551
rG_cuneus                      3.2595      3.669      0.888      0.375      -3.942      10.461
rG_front_inf-Opercular        -0.9917      2.838     -0.349      0.727      -6.561       4.578
rG_front_inf-Orbital           1.1768      1.769      0.665      0.506      -2.295       4.648
rG_front_inf-Triangul         -1.1011      2.409     -0.457      0.648      -5.829       3.626
rG_front_middle                6.2971      3.817      1.650      0.099      -1.194      13.788
rG_front_sup                  -0.7769      4.769     -0.163      0.871     -10.136       8.582
rG_insular_short               1.3954      1.394      1.001      0.317      -1.341       4.132
rG_oc-temp_lat-fusifor         2.3353      2.456      0.951      0.342      -2.486       7.156
rG_oc-temp_med-Lingual         9.7579      3.494      2.793      0.005       2.901      16.615
rG_oc-temp_med-Parahip         3.5787      1.883      1.901      0.058      -0.116       7.274
rG_occipital_middle           -1.2176      3.435     -0.354      0.723      -7.959       5.524
rG_occipital_sup              -5.0534      2.799     -1.806      0.071     -10.546       0.440
rG_orbital                    -3.0277      2.906     -1.042      0.298      -8.731       2.676
rG_pariet_inf-Angular         -9.8900      3.534     -2.799      0.005     -16.825      -2.955
rG_pariet_inf-Supramar         4.4915      3.400      1.321      0.187      -2.182      11.165
rG_parietal_sup               -1.1754      3.331     -0.353      0.724      -7.713       5.362
rG_postcentral                -4.2514      2.873     -1.480      0.139      -9.890       1.387
rG_precentral                 -0.3874      2.537     -0.153      0.879      -5.366       4.591
rG_precuneus                   4.7898      3.189      1.502      0.133      -1.470      11.049
rG_rectus                     -2.9699      1.973     -1.505      0.133      -6.842       0.902
rG_subcallosal                 1.6878      1.608      1.050      0.294      -1.467       4.843
rG_temp_sup-G_T_transv         3.4824      1.760      1.979      0.048       0.028       6.936
rG_temp_sup-Lateral           -5.5556      2.598     -2.139      0.033     -10.654      -0.457
rG_temp_sup-Plan_polar        -2.2680      1.539     -1.474      0.141      -5.288       0.752
rG_temp_sup-Plan_tempo         0.6442      2.243      0.287      0.774      -3.758       5.047
rG_temporal_inf                2.8384      2.507      1.132      0.258      -2.081       7.758
rG_temporal_middle            -4.6515      3.245     -1.433      0.152     -11.020       1.717
rLat_Fis-ant-Horizont         -2.8900      1.604     -1.801      0.072      -6.039       0.259
rLat_Fis-ant-Vertical         -2.8662      1.319     -2.173      0.030      -5.455      -0.278
rLat_Fis-post                 -3.8852      2.928     -1.327      0.185      -9.632       1.862
rPole_occipital               10.1364      3.558      2.849      0.004       3.154      17.119
rPole_temporal                 4.2463      2.067      2.054      0.040       0.189       8.304
rS_calcarine                  -6.8774      3.641     -1.889      0.059     -14.024       0.269
rS_central                    15.9589      3.721      4.289      0.000       8.656      23.262
rS_cingul-Marginalis           0.0957      3.132      0.031      0.976      -6.052       6.243
rS_circular_insula_ant        -4.8856      1.695     -2.883      0.004      -8.212      -1.559
rS_circular_insula_inf       -10.7969      2.090     -5.167      0.000     -14.898      -6.696
rS_circular_insula_sup        -6.5451      3.239     -2.020      0.044     -12.903      -0.188
rS_collat_transv_ant          -0.8794      1.613     -0.545      0.586      -4.046       2.287
rS_collat_transv_post          0.0118      2.062      0.006      0.995      -4.034       4.058
rS_front_inf                   2.1303      3.471      0.614      0.540      -4.682       8.943
rS_front_middle                0.7142      3.278      0.218      0.828      -5.718       7.147
rS_front_sup                  -6.7213      3.816     -1.761      0.079     -14.211       0.769
rS_interm_prim-Jensen         -1.3392      1.604     -0.835      0.404      -4.487       1.808
rS_intrapariet_and_P_trans     4.6399      4.084      1.136      0.256      -3.376      12.656
rS_oc-temp_lat                 1.2472      1.937      0.644      0.520      -2.554       5.049
rS_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual    -7.0609      2.794     -2.527      0.012     -12.544      -1.578
rS_oc_middle_and_Lunatus      -3.9183      2.388     -1.641      0.101      -8.605       0.768
rS_oc_sup_and_transversal      7.9981      2.938      2.722      0.007       2.232      13.764
rS_occipital_ant              -4.8187      2.128     -2.264      0.024      -8.995      -0.642
rS_orbital-H_Shaped            3.2383      2.130      1.520      0.129      -0.942       7.419
rS_orbital_lateral            -5.6681      1.693     -3.348      0.001      -8.991      -2.345
rS_orbital_med-olfact         -1.0335      1.755     -0.589      0.556      -4.478       2.411
rS_parieto_occipital           2.1148      3.251      0.651      0.516      -4.266       8.495
rS_pericallosal                3.6538      1.657      2.205      0.028       0.402       6.906
rS_postcentral                 4.4598      3.438      1.297      0.195      -2.288      11.208
rS_precentral-inf-part         0.3042      2.953      0.103      0.918      -5.492       6.101
rS_precentral-sup-part        -5.6903      2.430     -2.341      0.019     -10.460      -0.920
rS_suborbital                 -1.7873      0.974     -1.835      0.067      -3.698       0.124
rS_subparietal                 2.2839      2.675      0.854      0.393      -2.965       7.533
rS_temporal_inf               -0.2761      2.528     -0.109      0.913      -5.238       4.686
rS_temporal_sup                6.7630      4.679      1.445      0.149      -2.420      15.946
rS_temporal_transverse        -2.8381      1.178     -2.410      0.016      -5.150      -0.527
Omnibus:                        1.996   Durbin-Watson:                   2.026
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.369   Jarque-Bera (JB):                2.069
Skew:                          -0.096   Prob(JB):                        0.355
Kurtosis:                       2.897   Cond. No.                     1.04e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.04e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                    age   R-squared:                       0.769
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.731
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     20.24
Date:                Wed, 31 Aug 2022   Prob (F-statistic):          9.85e-205
Time:                        18:57:25   Log-Likelihood:                -3665.5
No. Observations:                1048   AIC:                             7629.
Df Residuals:                     899   BIC:                             8367.
Df Model:                         148                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const                        130.9484     11.135     11.760      0.000     109.094     152.803
lG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins       2.6798      1.377      1.946      0.052      -0.023       5.383
lG_and_S_cingul-Ant           -1.1407      2.441     -0.467      0.640      -5.931       3.650
lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant        1.1020      2.447      0.450      0.653      -3.701       5.905
lG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post      -1.3026      2.999     -0.434      0.664      -7.188       4.583
lG_and_S_frontomargin         -4.3803      2.881     -1.520      0.129     -10.035       1.274
lG_and_S_occipital_inf         3.0928      2.296      1.347      0.178      -1.414       7.599
lG_and_S_paracentral           9.8718      3.250      3.037      0.002       3.492      16.251
lG_and_S_subcentral            6.9062      3.591      1.923      0.055      -0.141      13.953
lG_and_S_transv_frontopol      2.4260      2.452      0.989      0.323      -2.386       7.238
lG_cingul-Post-dorsal          2.7937      1.968      1.419      0.156      -1.069       6.656
lG_cingul-Post-ventral         0.5031      1.338      0.376      0.707      -2.123       3.130
lG_cuneus                    -10.6294      5.027     -2.115      0.035     -20.495      -0.764
lG_front_inf-Opercular        -6.8663      3.558     -1.930      0.054     -13.848       0.116
lG_front_inf-Orbital           1.1076      1.543      0.718      0.473      -1.920       4.136
lG_front_inf-Triangul         -8.6061      3.366     -2.557      0.011     -15.212      -2.000
lG_front_middle               -7.0279      5.205     -1.350      0.177     -17.242       3.187
lG_front_sup                 -13.8983      5.282     -2.631      0.009     -24.265      -3.531
lG_insular_short               1.5305      1.039      1.473      0.141      -0.508       3.569
lG_oc-temp_lat-fusifor         4.8297      2.577      1.874      0.061      -0.228       9.887
lG_oc-temp_med-Lingual         9.9359      4.348      2.285      0.023       1.402      18.470
lG_oc-temp_med-Parahip        -1.1773      1.785     -0.660      0.510      -4.681       2.326
lG_occipital_middle           -4.3728      3.708     -1.179      0.239     -11.649       2.904
lG_occipital_sup             -11.2158      3.737     -3.001      0.003     -18.551      -3.881
lG_orbital                     4.0717      3.029      1.344      0.179      -1.872      10.016
lG_pariet_inf-Angular         -1.8394      4.162     -0.442      0.659     -10.008       6.330
lG_pariet_inf-Supramar         6.2437      4.741      1.317      0.188      -3.062      15.549
lG_parietal_sup               -9.5152      4.616     -2.061      0.040     -18.574      -0.456
lG_postcentral                 0.0385      3.795      0.010      0.992      -7.410       7.487
lG_precentral                  6.8333      3.709      1.842      0.066      -0.447      14.113
lG_precuneus                  12.8999      4.295      3.003      0.003       4.471      21.329
lG_rectus                     -6.6429      2.695     -2.465      0.014     -11.932      -1.354
lG_subcallosal                 0.0105      1.032      0.010      0.992      -2.015       2.036
lG_temp_sup-G_T_transv       -13.5879      2.435     -5.580      0.000     -18.367      -8.809
lG_temp_sup-Lateral           15.5119      2.457      6.312      0.000      10.689      20.335
lG_temp_sup-Plan_polar        -1.7194      1.522     -1.129      0.259      -4.707       1.268
lG_temp_sup-Plan_tempo        -7.1905      2.966     -2.425      0.016     -13.011      -1.370
lG_temporal_inf                5.0976      2.805      1.817      0.070      -0.408      10.603
lG_temporal_middle             3.0762      2.996      1.027      0.305      -2.803       8.955
lLat_Fis-ant-Horizont          0.0620      1.332      0.047      0.963      -2.552       2.676
lLat_Fis-ant-Vertical          1.2540      2.113      0.594      0.553      -2.892       5.400
lLat_Fis-post                 -4.7467      3.142     -1.511      0.131     -10.913       1.420
lPole_occipital                9.4395      4.227      2.233      0.026       1.144      17.735
lPole_temporal                -0.1191      1.820     -0.065      0.948      -3.690       3.452
lS_calcarine                  -7.4732      3.487     -2.143      0.032     -14.317      -0.630
lS_central                   -28.0741      5.301     -5.296      0.000     -38.478     -17.670
lS_cingul-Marginalis          -5.2068      3.110     -1.674      0.094     -11.311       0.897
lS_circular_insula_ant        -1.9856      1.549     -1.282      0.200      -5.026       1.055
lS_circular_insula_inf        -1.9640      2.205     -0.891      0.373      -6.291       2.363
lS_circular_insula_sup        -2.2063      3.656     -0.603      0.546      -9.382       4.969
lS_collat_transv_ant           2.5332      1.575      1.608      0.108      -0.558       5.624
lS_collat_transv_post         -1.2532      2.262     -0.554      0.580      -5.692       3.185
lS_front_inf                  -0.8407      4.029     -0.209      0.835      -8.749       7.067
lS_front_middle                0.2424      3.163      0.077      0.939      -5.966       6.451
lS_front_sup                   1.2222      4.170      0.293      0.770      -6.962       9.406
lS_interm_prim-Jensen         -0.4008      1.683     -0.238      0.812      -3.703       2.902
lS_intrapariet_and_P_trans     4.0641      4.463      0.911      0.363      -4.696      12.824
lS_oc-temp_lat                -0.7334      1.967     -0.373      0.709      -4.594       3.128
lS_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual    -2.3131      2.578     -0.897      0.370      -7.373       2.747
lS_oc_middle_and_Lunatus       4.6986      2.783      1.688      0.092      -0.763      10.161
lS_oc_sup_and_transversal      6.9038      3.255      2.121      0.034       0.516      13.291
lS_occipital_ant               6.7092      2.143      3.131      0.002       2.504      10.915
lS_orbital-H_Shaped            4.3004      2.641      1.629      0.104      -0.882       9.483
lS_orbital_lateral             2.3065      2.071      1.114      0.266      -1.757       6.370
lS_orbital_med-olfact         -3.7949      1.578     -2.405      0.016      -6.892      -0.697
lS_parieto_occipital          -0.5678      3.519     -0.161      0.872      -7.475       6.339
lS_pericallosal                1.2107      2.267      0.534      0.593      -3.238       5.659
lS_postcentral                 5.2739      3.988      1.323      0.186      -2.552      13.100
lS_precentral-inf-part         9.6395      3.478      2.772      0.006       2.814      16.465
lS_precentral-sup-part         0.4949      3.101      0.160      0.873      -5.591       6.580
lS_suborbital                 -0.7684      1.656     -0.464      0.643      -4.018       2.481
lS_subparietal                 1.7525      3.060      0.573      0.567      -4.253       7.758
lS_temporal_inf               -7.0254      2.436     -2.884      0.004     -11.807      -2.244
lS_temporal_sup              -11.2065      4.091     -2.739      0.006     -19.236      -3.177
lS_temporal_transverse         3.8177      1.759      2.170      0.030       0.365       7.270
rG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins       1.1106      1.183      0.939      0.348      -1.211       3.433
rG_and_S_cingul-Ant           -2.6747      2.617     -1.022      0.307      -7.811       2.461
rG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant        0.8564      2.374      0.361      0.718      -3.803       5.516
rG_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post      -2.6059      3.123     -0.834      0.404      -8.735       3.523
rG_and_S_frontomargin          0.5559      2.649      0.210      0.834      -4.643       5.755
rG_and_S_occipital_inf        -0.2058      2.134     -0.096      0.923      -4.394       3.983
rG_and_S_paracentral           1.1009      2.930      0.376      0.707      -4.650       6.851
rG_and_S_subcentral           -0.0187      3.228     -0.006      0.995      -6.354       6.316
rG_and_S_transv_frontopol      0.5471      2.725      0.201      0.841      -4.800       5.895
rG_cingul-Post-dorsal          0.9095      2.090      0.435      0.663      -3.192       5.011
rG_cingul-Post-ventral         1.8786      1.440      1.304      0.193      -0.948       4.706
rG_cuneus                     20.2956      4.706      4.313      0.000      11.060      29.531
rG_front_inf-Opercular        -0.4540      3.290     -0.138      0.890      -6.912       6.004
rG_front_inf-Orbital          -0.7970      1.509     -0.528      0.598      -3.758       2.164
rG_front_inf-Triangul         -0.3777      3.186     -0.119      0.906      -6.631       5.875
rG_front_middle               -4.7727      4.804     -0.994      0.321     -14.200       4.655
rG_front_sup                 -17.1571      4.961     -3.458      0.001     -26.894      -7.420
rG_insular_short               0.3925      1.014      0.387      0.699      -1.598       2.384
rG_oc-temp_lat-fusifor        -3.4502      2.520     -1.369      0.171      -8.397       1.496
rG_oc-temp_med-Lingual         3.1739      3.774      0.841      0.401      -4.233      10.581
rG_oc-temp_med-Parahip         2.1334      1.747      1.221      0.222      -1.296       5.562
rG_occipital_middle            9.7241      3.922      2.480      0.013       2.028      17.421
rG_occipital_sup              -9.4860      3.732     -2.542      0.011     -16.811      -2.161
rG_orbital                    -5.9737      3.071     -1.945      0.052     -12.001       0.054
rG_pariet_inf-Angular        -13.4195      4.020     -3.338      0.001     -21.310      -5.529
rG_pariet_inf-Supramar         4.1626      5.112      0.814      0.416      -5.870      14.195
rG_parietal_sup               -2.1805      4.345     -0.502      0.616     -10.708       6.347
rG_postcentral                -6.9020      3.570     -1.933      0.054     -13.908       0.104
rG_precentral                 -2.4905      3.558     -0.700      0.484      -9.474       4.493
rG_precuneus                   8.0284      4.060      1.978      0.048       0.061      15.996
rG_rectus                      3.4696      2.483      1.398      0.163      -1.403       8.342
rG_subcallosal                 2.5969      1.049      2.475      0.013       0.538       4.656
rG_temp_sup-G_T_transv       -12.4157      2.089     -5.942      0.000     -16.516      -8.315
rG_temp_sup-Lateral            3.4355      2.655      1.294      0.196      -1.775       8.646
rG_temp_sup-Plan_polar         2.1193      1.613      1.313      0.189      -1.047       5.286
rG_temp_sup-Plan_tempo        -9.1953      2.874     -3.200      0.001     -14.835      -3.556
rG_temporal_inf                0.7054      2.620      0.269      0.788      -4.436       5.847
rG_temporal_middle            -0.3558      3.404     -0.105      0.917      -7.037       6.325
rLat_Fis-ant-Horizont         -3.1008      1.687     -1.838      0.066      -6.412       0.210
rLat_Fis-ant-Vertical         -1.2958      1.563     -0.829      0.407      -4.364       1.772
rLat_Fis-post                  9.4423      2.859      3.303      0.001       3.831      15.054
rPole_occipital               11.2538      4.340      2.593      0.010       2.736      19.772
rPole_temporal                -2.1337      1.628     -1.310      0.190      -5.330       1.062
rS_calcarine                  -8.1572      3.350     -2.435      0.015     -14.733      -1.582
rS_central                    -6.5683      5.282     -1.244      0.214     -16.935       3.798
rS_cingul-Marginalis           4.1916      3.707      1.131      0.258      -3.083      11.466
rS_circular_insula_ant        -0.5190      1.837     -0.282      0.778      -4.125       3.087
rS_circular_insula_inf        -1.8573      1.957     -0.949      0.343      -5.697       1.983
rS_circular_insula_sup        -5.0688      3.248     -1.560      0.119     -11.444       1.306
rS_collat_transv_ant          -1.4828      1.596     -0.929      0.353      -4.614       1.649
rS_collat_transv_post          0.1848      2.355      0.078      0.937      -4.436       4.806
rS_front_inf                  -4.6702      4.045     -1.155      0.249     -12.609       3.269
rS_front_middle                6.4926      3.885      1.671      0.095      -1.132      14.117
rS_front_sup                  -5.2126      4.366     -1.194      0.233     -13.782       3.357
rS_interm_prim-Jensen          4.6899      2.517      1.863      0.063      -0.250       9.630
rS_intrapariet_and_P_trans    -4.0581      4.494     -0.903      0.367     -12.878       4.762
rS_oc-temp_lat                -0.2339      1.761     -0.133      0.894      -3.690       3.223
rS_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual    -1.7311      2.537     -0.682      0.495      -6.711       3.249
rS_oc_middle_and_Lunatus      -1.3691      2.482     -0.551      0.581      -6.241       3.503
rS_oc_sup_and_transversal      6.9599      3.199      2.176      0.030       0.682      13.238
rS_occipital_ant              -0.7138      2.227     -0.320      0.749      -5.085       3.658
rS_orbital-H_Shaped            4.4708      2.829      1.580      0.114      -1.082      10.024
rS_orbital_lateral             0.3258      1.970      0.165      0.869      -3.540       4.191
rS_orbital_med-olfact          4.2423      1.826      2.323      0.020       0.658       7.827
rS_parieto_occipital           1.0090      3.560      0.283      0.777      -5.977       7.995
rS_pericallosal               -0.8188      2.622     -0.312      0.755      -5.964       4.326
rS_postcentral                 5.9814      3.678      1.626      0.104      -1.238      13.200
rS_precentral-inf-part         8.0933      3.627      2.232      0.026       0.976      15.211
rS_precentral-sup-part        10.5917      3.095      3.422      0.001       4.517      16.666
rS_suborbital                 -2.4750      1.381     -1.793      0.073      -5.185       0.235
rS_subparietal                 2.8485      3.015      0.945      0.345      -3.069       8.766
rS_temporal_inf               -2.4824      2.442     -1.017      0.310      -7.275       2.310
rS_temporal_sup               -5.4213      4.509     -1.202      0.230     -14.271       3.428
rS_temporal_transverse         0.8230      1.896      0.434      0.664      -2.898       4.544
Omnibus:                        8.905   Durbin-Watson:                   2.021
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.012   Jarque-Bera (JB):                8.960
Skew:                          -0.211   Prob(JB):                       0.0113
Kurtosis:                       2.833   Cond. No.                     1.23e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.23e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
/tmp/ipykernel_42420/ PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance.
  X = df_feat_raw[("corticalThicknessAverage", soft, "a2009s")]
/tmp/ipykernel_42420/ PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance.
  X = df_feat_raw[("corticalThicknessAverage", soft, "a2009s")]
areas_relation_age_fs = map_df_p["FREESURFER"].loc[map_df_p["FREESURFER"]["P>|t|"].astype(float) < 0.05]["roiName"].to_list()
areas_relation_age_cat12 = map_df_p["ACPC_CAT12"].loc[map_df_p["ACPC_CAT12"]["P>|t|"].astype(float) < 0.05]["roiName"].to_list()


intersection_areas = list(set(areas_relation_age_fs) & set(areas_relation_age_cat12))

print("Overlap ROIs")
df_overlap = df_areas_metrics.loc[df_areas_metrics["roiName"].isin(intersection_areas)].groupby(["roiName", "name"]).mean()[["r_square"]]
Overlap ROIs
roiName name
lG_front_inf-Triangul Triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus 6.03e-01
lG_front_sup Superior frontal gyrus 6.60e-01
lG_oc-temp_med-Lingual Lingual gyrus 2.66e-01
lS_orbital_med-olfact Medial orbital sulcus 2.67e-02
rG_pariet_inf-Angular Angular gyrus 5.71e-01
rG_temp_sup-G_T_transv Anterior transverse temporal gyrus 2.81e-01
rPole_occipital Occipital pole 3.43e-01
rS_oc_sup_and_transversal Superior occipital sulcus and transverse occipital sulcus 4.81e-01
rS_precentral-sup-part Superior part of the precentral sulcus 4.31e-01
cat12_rois_important_non_overlap = [el for el in areas_relation_age_cat12 if el not in intersection_areas]
df_cat12_important = df_areas_metrics.loc[df_areas_metrics["roiName"].isin(cat12_rois_important_non_overlap)].groupby(["roiName", "name"]).mean()[["r_square"]]

fs_rois_important_non_overlap =  [el for el in areas_relation_age_fs if el not in intersection_areas]
df_fs_important = df_areas_metrics.loc[df_areas_metrics["roiName"].isin(fs_rois_important_non_overlap)].groupby(["roiName", "name"]).mean()[["r_square"]]



roiName name
lG_subcallosal Subcallosal area 2.40e-03
lS_circular_insula_sup Superior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula 4.40e-01
lS_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual Medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus 4.03e-01
lS_orbital-H_Shaped Orbital sulci 1.38e-01
rG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins Long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula 1.19e-01
rG_and_S_occipital_inf Inferior occipital gyrus and sulcus 4.15e-01
rG_and_S_paracentral Paracentral lobule and sulcus 3.20e-01
rG_oc-temp_med-Lingual Lingual gyrus 3.08e-01
rG_temp_sup-Lateral Lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus 4.63e-01
rLat_Fis-ant-Vertical Vertical ramus of the anterior segment of the lateral sulcus 2.10e-01
rPole_temporal Temporal pole 2.64e-01
rS_central Central sulcus 2.89e-01
rS_circular_insula_ant Anterior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula 1.63e-01
rS_circular_insula_inf Inferior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula 3.34e-01
rS_circular_insula_sup Superior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula 3.45e-01
rS_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual Medial occipito-temporal sulcus and lingual sulcus 4.84e-01
rS_occipital_ant Anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch 4.96e-01
rS_orbital_lateral Lateral orbital sulcus 1.36e-01
rS_pericallosal Pericallosal sulcus 1.28e-01
rS_temporal_transverse Transverse temporal sulcus 2.24e-01

roiName name
lG_and_S_paracentral Paracentral lobule and sulcus 2.72e-01
lG_cuneus Cuneus 2.41e-01
lG_occipital_sup Superior occipital gyrus 5.13e-01
lG_parietal_sup Superior parietal lobule 5.50e-01
lG_precuneus Precuneus 5.06e-01
lG_rectus Straight gyrus 1.35e-01
lG_temp_sup-G_T_transv Anterior transverse temporal gyrus 3.11e-01
lG_temp_sup-Lateral Lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus 4.32e-01
lG_temp_sup-Plan_tempo Planum temporale or temporal plane of the superior temporal gyrus 5.82e-01
lPole_occipital Occipital pole 2.97e-01
lS_calcarine Calcarine sulcus 3.48e-01
lS_central Central sulcus 3.41e-01
lS_oc_sup_and_transversal Superior occipital sulcus and transverse occipital sulcus 5.12e-01
lS_occipital_ant Anterior occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch 4.27e-01
lS_precentral-inf-part Inferior part of the precentral sulcus 5.07e-01
lS_temporal_inf Inferior temporal sulcus 2.33e-01
lS_temporal_sup Superior temporal sulcus 5.80e-01
lS_temporal_transverse Transverse temporal sulcus 4.51e-01
rG_cuneus Cuneus 2.87e-01
rG_front_sup Superior frontal gyrus 6.49e-01
rG_occipital_middle Middle occipital gyrus 5.27e-01
rG_occipital_sup Superior occipital gyrus 4.86e-01
rG_precuneus Precuneus 5.60e-01
rG_subcallosal Subcallosal area 5.11e-03
rG_temp_sup-Plan_tempo Planum temporale or temporal plane of the superior temporal gyrus 5.97e-01
rLat_Fis-post Posterior ramus 5.31e-01
rS_calcarine Calcarine sulcus 4.16e-01
rS_orbital_med-olfact Medial orbital sulcus 8.59e-02
rS_precentral-inf-part Inferior part of the precentral sulcus 5.03e-01
df_cat12_important["type"] = "non-overlapping"
df_overlap["type"] = "overlapping"
df_fs_important["type"] = "non-overlapping"
df_fs_all = pd.concat([df_overlap, df_fs_important])
df_cat12_all = pd.concat([df_overlap, df_cat12_important])
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 5))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
sns.stripplot(data=df_fs_all, x="type", y="r_square")

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
sns.stripplot(data=df_cat12_all, x="type", y="r_square")

df_test_fs = pg.ttest(df_fs_all.loc[df_fs_all["type"] == "non-overlapping"]["r_square"],
                      df_fs_all.loc[df_fs_all["type"] == "overlapping"]["r_square"])

df_test_cat12 = pg.ttest(df_cat12_all.loc[df_cat12_all["type"] == "non-overlapping"]["r_square"],
                         df_cat12_all.loc[df_cat12_all["type"] == "overlapping"]["r_square"])



T dof alternative p-val CI95% cohen-d BF10 power
T-test -1.67e+00 1.17e+01 two-sided 1.22e-01 [-0.28, 0.04] 7.65e-01 0.997 4.51e-01

T dof alternative p-val CI95% cohen-d BF10 power
T-test 3.79e-02 1.15e+01 two-sided 9.70e-01 [-0.16, 0.16] 1.61e-02 0.356 5.02e-02