How to contribute to this wiki

Before starting, we suggest installing GitHub Desktop client - this application will make all further steps easier for new users.

  • Fork the repository (button in the top right-hand corner). If you cannot see this page, it is because you are not logged in on GitHub OR you are not yet a member of the CIBIT-UC organization on GitHub. If you are logged in and it still does not work, let us know in #github at Discord so that we can provide you access.
  • Make local changes in your computer (edit files, create your own personal page, …).
  • Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  • Push to the repository (git push origin main). This makes changes in the fork only.
  • Create a new Pull Request - this will request that the changes you applied to the fork will be applied to the main repository as well. This request is subject to validation (to check file integrity and markdown header) by the repository direct collaborators, so it could take some time (usually a few hours).

Create your personal page

  1. Open the people folder and duplicate the file
  2. Rename it to your first and last name and edit its contents.
  3. In order for your new personal page to show up in the People page:
    1. Open the _data folder and the .yml file that corresponds to your position at CIBIT.
    2. Copy a name,website,photo block and replace with your information. The field name is your first and last name, as shown in the People page; website is the name of your .md file, without extension; photo is a link to a photo of yours somewhere online (Google Scholar, Twitter) - please avoid Facebook links since they expire and get blocked by certain extensions.
  4. Create a pull request with your changes!


Use the #wiki channel on Discord to discuss new ideas, make proposals to change, or get help on how to contribute directly to the wiki using Git.

Inspiring wikis/lab manuals/websites

Copyright © 2024 CIBIT, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Page last modified: Apr 1 2022 at 06:00 PM.

Edit this page on GitHub.