Joining the lab

Work in progress

First steps when arriving

People responsible for team management (or someone assigned) will contact you, introduce you to CIBIT Administrative Services, show you the campus basics (cafeteria, restaurant/canteen, library, etc.) and present you a brief overview of CIBIT organization and context within the University of Coimbra.

From the very beginning, you will need permission to enter the buildings where CIBIT members mainly work - ICNAS and iCBR (FMUC). If not resolved with team management people, you are required to directly contact the Administrative Services and ask for access credentials.

Technical staff at ICNAS will configure a fingerprint access for the entrance on the -1 floor, and at iCBR you will request an access card for the ground floor entrance. You will also need to contact the Informatics department (mail: helpdesk[at] in order to have an institutional email address.

Shortly after arrival you will be presented to the group:

  • First group meeting of each month (see CIBIT Meetings section) will start with a brief presentation of new group members.
  • You should create a personal page at the Wiki (template here) with basic work-related information, e.g. background degree, previous research/work place, scientific interests/skills. To do this, download the template and follow the instructions here.
  • This information will be delivered at the next first-in-the-month group meeting. You are welcome to present a lab meeting focusing on your previous research or new/future ideas.

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Page last modified: Apr 1 2022 at 06:00 PM.

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