Alexandre Sayal
PhD candidate - Biomedical Engineering at UC
Biomedical Engineer
GitHub \ ORCiD \ Google Scholar \ CiênciaVitae
Office: Sala Multimodal at ICNAS, Piso 1
Discord username: alexsayal#7470
Email: alexandre.campos [at]
Twitter: @AlexandreSayal
Current project(s)
- PhD project: Listen to your brain - exploring music as an interface for real-time fMRI neurofeedback interventions.
- Visual Perception - Understanding the neural mechanisms that underlie adaptation, hysteresis, and inhibition in the human visual system.
- STIPED - Non-invasive brain stimulation in pediatric neuropsychiatric disorders.
- fMRI
- Neuroimaging
- Machine learning
- Brain connectivity
- Neurofeedback
- Visual Perception
- MSc in Biomedical Engineering – University of Coimbra
Selected publications
- Sousa, T., Sayal, A., Duarte, J.V., Costa, G.N., Martins, R., Castelo-Branco, M., “Evidence for distinct levels of neural adaptation to both coherent and incoherently moving visual surfaces in visual area hMT+”, NeuroImage, vol. 179, 2018, pp. 540-547. link
- Direito, B., Lima, J., Simões, M., Sayal, A., Sousa, T., Luhrs, M., Ferreira, C., Castelo-Branco, M., “Targeting dynamic facial processing mechanisms in superior temporal sulcus using a novel fMRI neurofeedback target”, Neuroscience. link